.:/Safe Space Flights\:. 100% safe travel between planets!!! check for details


Sep 27, 2006
Calypso - Arkadia
Avatar Name
Giuliano adm Noooo
adm Pilot Service
Ship position: Arkadia Space Station

Hi all!

I am providing 100% safe flights service.

The flights at this moment are not safe in small ships as we all know. there are many pilots that promote their safe flights with Quad, but we all know that Quad-wings now are quite diffused and it's not rare to meet a pirate in space.

The only 100% safe way to transport high quantity of stackables (ores, enmatters, leathers, oils and more) is to become passenger of a large Vassel Ship (Aniara and Vega Class Ships), logging off in the ship and when the ship is arrived at the destination (Planet Station safe zone) logging in again.

This travel system is the only one that offers the complete security in space transport of stackables.

The Service

The service works like a normal Quad/Sleipnir travel, you can meet me in the Planets and I take you with my Quad-wing to related Planet Station.
Than we will enter in my Vega Class Ship (Pathfinder IV) and you will need to logoff from Entropia Universe.
We will stay in touch using outgame chat, like Skype or Planet Calypso Forum chat channel, and I will advertise you when I have reached successfully the Planet Station of destination with my ship.
Than you can log in again and choose if to fly with me to the planet in Quad-wing or use the Teleport in the Station yourself.


The service is provided between planet to planet, here are prices:

1 passenger:

Calypso <-> Arkadia 40 PED
Calypso <-> Rocktropia 40 PED
Rocktropia <-> Arkadia 40 PED
Calypso <-> Next Island 50 PED

2 or more passengers:

Calypso <-> Arkadia 40 PED + 10 PED each extra passenger
Calypso <-> Rocktropia 40 PED + 10 PED each extra passenger
Rocktropia <-> Arkadia 40 PED + 10 PED each extra passenger
Calypso <-> Next Island 50 PED + 10 PED each extra passenger

For example if you need to fly from Calypso to Arkadia, 1 passenger is 40 PED total, 2 passengers are 50 PED total, 3 passengers are 60 PED total... and so on


Warp speed flights are now available, price is 80 ped/jump, not important number of passengers.

PM me for details.


I fly between planets daily and you could need my service while on another planet, if so you can send me a PM to reserve a flight and I will contact you immediatly when me and my Vega Ship will be on that Planet.
If you are hurry and want to call me from another planet there will be an added cost of 10 PED, that's why I suggest you to use the reservations.

I can reply to all your questions via PM or ingame :yup:

If you looking for normal Quad-wings flights (not safe of course) these are my prices:

Planet Space Station 10 PED
Calypso -> CP/FOMA 15 PED
Planet -> Planet 25 PED

Find me ingame with member register, my name is Giuliano adm Noooo
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Logging of during a flight is considered an exploit if I remember correctly, is it not? :confused:
Logging of during a flight is considered an exploit if I remember correctly, is it not? :confused:

That statement was deleted. So for now no official word on the matter.

Gl with the service :cool:
Moonbiter told it before my reply ;)
i didnt know about this exploit... interesting though...

the thing if it happens once ok... but if a person repeats the process over and over is when its a problem taking advantage of a bug... this is illegal and should involve a ban of sorts

seems more like cryo sleep to me then an exploit... definatly a feature and what helps make these larger ships have value



one is talking about glitching a mob... which should make it become "trapped" but it doesnt... because of a bug...
this is cryo sleep or a feature MA has implemented for big ships... 2 different things...
1 is exploit... 1 is feature :)
This is so cool!

Because not only is this a way to get stackables safe to the other side, it's also a way to avoid lootable space altogether!

Yeay yeay yeay. :bowdown:
one is talking about glitching a mob... which should make it become "trapped" but it doesnt... because of a bug...
this is cryo sleep or a feature MA has implemented for big ships... 2 different things...
1 is exploit... 1 is feature :)

I know Joker, I just couldn't resist messing with you :p

It will be interesting to see MA's response to Stave's question ;)
A bump to my service and to my first customer :)
A bumo for my service
This is an exploit and i advise people not to do this!

Use Adm flight service as i guess it is good, but do not log off. It will most likely cause you problems!
Thanks for the suggestions :)

This is an exploit and i advise people not to do this!

Use Adm flight service as i guess it is good, but do not log off. It will most likely cause you problems!

Where did you read it is an exploit? I have no intention to break rules in any way, just I see the "parked vehicle" exploit was solved immediatly, while nothing about the large vassels possibility.
I have already opened a Support Case to see what MA tells about my service, waiting for reply.

Of course you have to trust the pilot since there is the possibility he scams you making you log in a pvp area and looting you.

FYI: I have already provided few safe flights successfully
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Of course you have to trust the pilot since there is the possibility he scams you making you log in a pvp area and looting you.

FYI: I have already provided few safe flights successfully

Or the customer can just bring a trustet friend, brother, wife or 'what ever' that will be online during the flight
Right point, thanks for the bump and another bump here :)
A bump for my service :)
bump for the 100 safe flights service!

I provide regular flights with Quad-wing too, these are my prices:

Planet Space Station 10 PED
Calypso -> CP/FOMA 15 PED
Planet -> Planet 25 PED
Spacecraft docked at Arkadia Space Station :)

Thanks for the suggestions :)

Where did you read it is an exploit? I have no intention to break rules in any way, just I see the "parked vehicle" exploit was solved immediatly, while nothing about the large vassels possibility.
I have already opened a Support Case to see what MA tells about my service, waiting for reply.

Of course you have to trust the pilot since there is the possibility he scams you making you log in a pvp area and looting you.

FYI: I have already provided few safe flights successfully
Any outcome from that supportcase? It still sounds like an exploit in my ears.
I had a first reply from MA with the usual text... thanks for sending support, we will forward the case and so on... support still not closed.
bump for a great service (while it lasts) from a satisfied customer

It must be very silly to say that 'logging off is exploit', I must say. Disconnection happens in every MMOs, you hardly prevent that happen. You cannot ban your player by saying that: you log off when doing an instance, it's an exploit. The same as riding a mothership. What happened when your avatar is riding a mothership then your power switch off? The next time you login, MA lock your account?
Ship Docked at Calypso Spacestaion

bump to my service :)
It must be very silly to say that 'logging off is exploit', I must say. Disconnection happens in every MMOs, you hardly prevent that happen. You cannot ban your player by saying that: you log off when doing an instance, it's an exploit. The same as riding a mothership. What happened when your avatar is riding a mothership then your power switch off? The next time you login, MA lock your account?

Disconnecting and loging of on purpose is a big difference. When traveling in a smaller spaceship like the VTOL and the Quad-Wing you die when disconnectiong and then spawn at closest Space Station or Mothership where you are listed as crew. I should think it would work the same in all spacecrafts. And if it's ment to work the same way(dieing) this is a true exploit.
You always revive/login in Privateer/Mothership spacecraft while you revive/login at station when on Quad-wing or VTOL, so it's different.

Bump for my service :)
Bump my service :)
bump the safe flights :)